Our Services | Fintech | Licensing Advice | imac legal & compliance

Our Services

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imac legal & compliance provides a range of legal and compliance services to financial service providers and businesses.
We also provide a range of legal & compliance documents and solutions. See our SHOP

Financial Technology

Understand the regulatory requirements and commercialise your FinTech idea.

Modern Services

Support to get your FinTech idea off the ground.

Compliance Solutions

Implement practices to maintain procedural and behavioural compliance within all areas of your business.


Tailor-made procedures and plans for your business to ensure complete compliance with legislation.

Regulatory Advice

We provide advice to entities throughout Australia to help them comply with their regulatory obligations.

Expert Knowledge

Gain complete understanding of all applicable regulations affecting your day to day business practice.

Buying And Selling Businesses

Complete support throughout the lengthy, complex and legal process of selling or buying a business.

Helpful Advice

Experienced advice to ensure you complete a fair and legally sound business sale.


Secure the correct licenses and registrations for your business so you can operate legally and compliantly.

Timely Results

We can identify all necessary licenses and then apply on your behalf to obtain them – hassle and stress free.

Commercial Law

We advise small and medium-sized businesses on most matters related to commercial law.

Quality Lawyers

Support ranges from privacy matters to risk management consulting and trade practices.


Secure the correct licenses and registrations for your business so you can operate legally and compliantly.

Timely Results

We can identify all necessary licenses and then apply on your behalf to obtain them – hassle and stress free.

Commercial Law

We advise small and medium-sized businesses on most matters related to commercial law.

Quality Lawyers

Support ranges from privacy matters to risk management consulting and trade practices.


Any advice on this website is general only and should not be relied on as a substitute for legal advice tailored to your situation. imac legal & compliance pty ltd trades as imac legal and as imac compliance. We will always let you know beforehand whether we are acting as a law firm or as a compliance consultancy (and not as a law firm) for a particular matter. You have several rights and protections under the law when we act as a law firm.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation when providing legal services.