These terms are the basis on which imac legal & compliance pty ltd Compliance Pty Ltd ABN 47 604 797 471 (“imac legal & compliance pty ltd”) trading as complifit licenses you to use any Product you purchase from this website. Products are for businesses with up to 20 representatives.
All intellectual property rights of any type in the Products are owned by imac legal & compliance pty ltd. imac legal & compliance pty ltd licenses its business, complifit, to market its products on this website. Provided you pay the applicable licence fees, imac legal & compliance pty ltd licences you to use, adapt, customise and reproduce the Product for any purpose whatsoever in connection with your business.
You may not copy, disclose, modify, share, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works based on the Products for sale or supply to third parties for profit or otherwise.
The Products offered on this website are provided by imac legal & compliance pty ltd trading as complifit. complifit does not provide legal services. The Products do not contain legal advice and do not constitute a legal service. You should not rely upon the Products in lieu of obtaining professional advice on your own situation.
imac legal & compliance maintains ownership of and all rights attached to its intellectual property in and associated with the Products offered on this website. complifit® and compliance fitness® are registered trademarks of imac legal & compliance pty ltd and must not be copied, disclosed, modified, shared, adapted, or derivative works created for any purpose.
The Products are for use by financial services or credit businesses (as the case may be) with up to 20 representatives. If your business has more than 20 representatives, additional licence fees will apply and you will need to contact us to ascertain the relevant fee. In purchasing a product from this website you warrant that you are a business with up to 20 representatives. The Products are for use only by Australian-domiciled businesses within Australia.
imac legal & compliance pty ltd reserves the right to modify the Products from time to time by changing, removing or adding information, features or data. imac legal & compliance pty ltd does not undertake to inform you if or when any changes are made to a Productat any time.
imac legal & compliance pty ltd takes reasonable care when preparing, supplying and updating the Products. However, the Products are only suitable for use for the purposes stated in the relevant Product Description.
Except as required by law, imac legal & compliance pty ltd makes no representations, and gives no warranties, express or implied, as to:
- The currency of the information in the Products after the date of publication;
- The completeness, accuracy, suitability and quality of the Products or any part of them; or
- The suitability of the Products or any part of them for your business or business transaction.
imac legal & compliance pty ltd does not represent that any Product obtained from or through this website is free from computer viruses or other faults or defects. It is your responsibility to scan any such information for computer viruses. imac legal & compliance pty ltd will not be liable to you or to any other person for any loss or damage (whether direct, indirect, consequential or economic), however caused and whether by negligence or otherwise, which may result directly or indirectly from any such information. To the extent that any applicable law that cannot be excluded imposes any liability on imac legal & compliance pty ltd, that liability shall be limited to the cost of re-supplying that information.
You acknowledge and agree that imac legal & compliance pty ltd is under no liability to you or any third party in respect of any loss or damage, including consequential loss or damage, however caused, whether by negligence or otherwise which may be suffered or arise as a result of your use of the Products.
Nothing in these terms excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, right or remedy conferred on you by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (as amended or replaced from time to time).
To the extent permitted by law, if imac legal & compliance pty ltd breaches any implied statutory condition or warranty, its liability for that breach will be limited to its choice of the replacement of the Products or the supply of equivalent Products, the repair of the Products, the payment of the cost of replacing the Products, or the payment of the cost of having the Products repaired.
In purchasing a Product from this website you agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy. You agree that imac legal & compliance pty ltd ABN 47 604 797 471 may collect and use personal information about you to provide information about legal and regulatory issues that it believes may be of interest to you, including information about products and services it offers through one or more of its businesses. See imac legal & compliance ptyltd’s Privacy Policy on this website which sets out how we deal with your personal information.
This Agreement is governed by the law of the State of Victoria.
May 2018.